Little Acorns Pre-School provides care and education for children aged two to four years. We are based within the grounds of Sidegate Primary School, Ipswich.
We are an Ofsted registered early years provider following the Early Years Foundation Stage. We are a registered charity run by a voluntary committee.
We have a large outdoor area overlooking the school field. We have access to some school facilities which supports transition into reception. We have our own entrance on Sidegate Lane.
Our rooms are homely with neutral colours and are rich in natural and authentic resources that encourage children's exploration, imagination and a connection to the world around them.
We welcome visitors and are happy to arrange a visit or answer any questions you may have.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see up to date events and activities.
We access the outside area daily, in all weathers unless we deem it unsafe. Children require suitable clothing for different types of weather. Spare clothing must be provided as children will have access to messy play, water and mud. All clothing and footwear should be clearly named.
We support parents with toileting. Children need to wear clothes that allow them to see to their toileting needs independently.
Children in nappies should have spare nappies and wipes in their bag. Nappies are checked on a regular basis.
All children who attend Little Acorns Preschool will have a personal online learning journey that records observations and photos of their time at preschool. The system is called Tapestry and is hosted in the UK on secure servers.
Tapestry allows parents/carers to see what their child has been doing at Pre-School. We encourage parents to add comments, photos and videos to their child's account so that their key person can work in partnership with them. Tapestry is instant and you will get an email alert when a new observation is ready to be seen.
If a child is going to be absent absent from pre-school for any reason we request a telephone call or text to let us know. Children must be kept away from Pre-School for 48 hours if they have sickness or diarrhoea.
If a child is not feeling themselves or displaying signs of an illness they should not come to Pre-School. Ill children put extra pressure on staff and can spread infection. If a child is poorly enough to need Calpol or similar it is advisable to keep them at home.
We are unable to administer medication unless it is prescribed by a doctor or in the event of an absolute emergency.
The decision to close the Pre-School due to bad weather or if there is an emergency maintenance issue is not taken lightly and will only happen if it is deemed unsafe. Parents will be contacted in the event of this becoming necessary.
We have our very own cause page where you can sign up and start collecting free funds for us whenever you shop online.