Little Acorns is a homely, cosy Pre-School, with natural authentic resources and calming neutral colours. We provide a nurturing, calm environment with opportunities for exploration, extended learning, building independence and resilience. We encourage parent partnerships, working with parents for the development of their child. We are responsive to children's needs and all children are respected and valued.
" Children are happy, safe and settled. Parents talk about the friendliness of staff and how much their children look forward to attending " Ofsted 2019
We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We have an open positive culture where staff are vigilant and are empowered to speak out if they have concerns. We follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support and protection. We have four staff who have undergone Safeguarding Lead training.
All three and four-year-olds are entitled to fifteen hours of funded education a week with a 'registered provider'.
Three year olds are automatically able to access 15 hours of funding the term after their third birthday.
Eligible three and four year olds may also be able to access an additional 15 hours of funding. Please check www.childcarechoices.gov.uk for the eligibility criteria.
Some 2 year olds may be eligible for a Golden Ticket .Please check www.suffolk.gov.uk/two for the eligibility criteria.
Under the government funding scheme from April 2024 eligible 2 year olds may also be entitled to 15 hours funding. Please check www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to see if your child is eligible.
Eligible 2 year olds under the funding scheme will automatically receive 30 hours funding the term after they turn three.
There is an additional consumable charge of 50p per session for funded children.
In addition to your child's government funded hours, you can also pay for additional hours, subject to availability.
Fees from 1st April 2024 are:
£6.90 per hour for 2 year olds
£6.50 per hour for 3/4 year olds
Parents are invoiced monthly for any fees and sundries charges.
We are open 38 weeks of the year during term time. We follow Sidegate Primary term dates as closely as possible.
Our opening hours are 8am - 4pm
Morning sessions
8.00 - 12 noon or 1pm
8.30 - 12 noon or 1pm
9.00 - 12 noon or 1pm
All day
8.00 - 3pm or 4pm
8.30 - 3pm or 4pm
9.00 - 3pm or 4pm
1pm - 4pm
Lunch is part of the morning sessions that end at 1pm
Funded hours can be accessed through any combination of these sessions.
Children need to bring a packed lunch.
The decision to close the Pre-School due to bad weather or if there is an emergency maintenance issue is not taken lightly and will only happen if it is deemed unsafe. Parents will be contacted in the event of this becoming necessary.
140 Sidegate Lane, Ipswich, IP4 4JD, United Kingdom
01473 399093 littleacornsipswich@gmail.com Registered Charity No. 1031114 Member of the Early Years Learning Alliance
Term commences Thursday 5th September 2024
Half Term is Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2024
Term ends Wednesday 18th December 2024
Term commences Monday 6th January 2025
Half Term is Monday 17th to Friday 21st February 2025
Term ends Monday 7th April 2025
Term commences Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Monday 5th May 2025 Bank Holiday
Half Term is Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May 2025
Term ends Monday 21st July 2025
We have our very own cause page where you can sign up and start collecting free funds for us whenever you shop online.