We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which is the statutory
framework that sets the standards for children's learning, development and care, building a coherent and flexible approach to care and learning.
All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. They also reflect the broad range of skills, knowledge
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which is the statutory
framework that sets the standards for children's learning, development and care, building a coherent and flexible approach to care and learning.
All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. They also reflect the broad range of skills, knowledge and attitudes children need as foundations for life now and in the future.
The areas of learning are:-
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Understanding the world
Expressive Arts and Design
We aim to develop the characteristics of effective learning which are:
Finding out and exploring
Playing what they know
Being willing to 'have a go'
Being involved and concentrating
Keep on trying
Enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Having their own ideas
Making links
Working with ideas
The characteristics of effective learning and the areas of learning and development are all interconnected. Many of the elements are in action at the same time as children interact with people and things.
We believe in child centred learning and our curriculum offers a balance of child initiated and adult led learning. We plan activities, experiences and provocations to meet needs that have been identified through observation and assessment
Learning is linked closely to our story curriculum. Within our story curriculum we have a set of co
We believe in child centred learning and our curriculum offers a balance of child initiated and adult led learning. We plan activities, experiences and provocations to meet needs that have been identified through observation and assessment
Learning is linked closely to our story curriculum. Within our story curriculum we have a set of core books for the children to experience and become very familiar with. This includes traditional stories. The stories are introduced during adult led sessions and are then available to the children in continuous provision.
We ensure the children are exposed to a wide range of books, fiction and non fiction to support their interests and learning.
We have a home reading library from which children can choose a selection of books as often as they wish for as long as they wish.
Children are allowed to access all areas of the Pre-School environment and can choose resources which helps them become independent learners and encourages the development of self-confidence and self-awareness.
We develop positive and caring relationships to support children's personal, social and emotional development.
We provide a safe an
Children are allowed to access all areas of the Pre-School environment and can choose resources which helps them become independent learners and encourages the development of self-confidence and self-awareness.
We develop positive and caring relationships to support children's personal, social and emotional development.
We provide a safe and secure, rich, varied and stimulating learning environment, allowing children to learn through a variety of ways and encouraging them to explore and investigate through first hand experiences.
Outdoor learning is valued by us. We strongly believe that being outdoors has a positive impact on children's well-being and development. Children have access to the outdoor learning environment throughout the day. As well as organised outdoor activities we have a variety of resources that are self -accessible to the children.